Remnant Cable Advertising

Best Rates in the USA 888-449-2526

Radio and TV Remnants

Local Spot – National – Best rates 888-449-2526

Programmatic Media Placements

Fast – effective – Profitable 888-449-2526

Low-Cost TV Advertising Campaigns Start Here! 888-449-2526


Economical Television Advertising Campaigns

Television advertising offers an average reach of 85% for adults across all age demographics. With that kind of influence, the advantages of television marketing cannot be ignored.

If you need a lot of bang form your ad dollar and desire to get direct response campaigns rolling along with solid ROI – you have found the right place! You’ll get the very best rates for Radio and TV advertising in any state in the USA. Cheap remnant and spot market rates for local and national advertising campaigns. Advertise for less and get more ROI for you ad dollars. Call 888-449-2526 for a free price quote and media plan.

At Ho Hum Productions, we specialize in traditional advertising methods such as radio, TV, print and digital advertising as well as other media forms.

Investing in TV can increase advertising effectiveness by 40%. Whether in the short or long term, television still delivers a great bang for your advertising buck. It’s one of the lowest-risk methods of investing in advertisement, with a high likelihood of profit return: 70% between three and six months, and 86% over three years.

Television remains one of the best media for marketers to use product placement and other subtle advertising strategies. When you consider that people watch nearly five and a half hours of TV per day, TV’s effectiveness makes sense.

Television is still a powerful driver to consumers when introducing a new brand or product to the market. Since most viewers have their 2nd or 3rd screens (laptop or mobile device) nearby while watching TV, they are more than likely to search for either the commercial they saw or the product if it’s relevant to them.